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8月, 2014の投稿を表示しています


OOTD *American Apparel clothes and Converse sneakers* Green plaid skirt and washed denim back pack are definitely a perfect combo for #AABTS (American Apparel Back To School) style! I wish I could have gone to school in this outfit when I was a high school student. Every Single pieces from AA are so basic, well made, and comfy. I just love their clothes! アメアパの服に、コンバースのスニーカー 緑のチェックのスカートに薄いデニムのバックパック。#AABTS(アメアパの服で学校ちっくなコーデ)にぴったりの組み合わせ!高校生の頃にこんな服きて学校通えてたらなあ〜〜〜♩ アメアパの服はベーシックだし、丈夫だし着心地いいし!!大好きです。 Instagram&Twitter@juriokita Juri


Hiiiii! I'm Juri, 19-year-old girl from Japan. This is my very first post on this blog! I've been blogging here ( http://ameblo.jp/95hahaha/  ) since I was 15 (wow, so young,,,jealous!haha) . Mostly the blog was about fashion and I didn't write about  little things like what happened today that much. I don't know why but I was trying to make the post perfect and that made me lazy to blog. But I like sharing what I like and want to keep records of what I thought and what I did even if it's not so big, so decided to start new one! I'm gonna make this more like a diary than my old blog. Sometimes I'll write in English and sometimes in Japanese. I know my English is still poor but maybe you can see how my English grow through reading this blog in like coming 5 years!haha So stay tuned:) こんにちは〜19歳のじゅりと申します☺️ 15歳の時からAmebaの方でブログやってたんだけど、あんまり日常のこととかは書いてなくて、服とかDIYなどについて更新してました。こっちではもう少しリラックスして日記みたいにかけたらなって思います。 発信することが好きだし、そんなに特別なことじゃなくてもここに残していけたらなって! ...