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9月, 2014の投稿を表示しています


These pictures supposed to be on the last post but I forgot to put so, here it is. この写真2つも1つ前の記事に一緒に載せるつもりだったんだけど載せ忘れちゃってたので。。! sweater/ American Apparel bottoms/ made by me  sandals/ Vagabond  bag/ Jump From Paper watch/ Casio American Apparel sweater is kinda pricey but so soft, comfy and easy to wear. It's definitely worth the price. The bottoms is what I designed and made. I think these high waisted shorts look so nice with this loose sweater. Vagabond sandals are amazing. I walked all day long in these sandals but my feet didn't get tired that much even though they have like 3" height. The bag was a gift from 2-dimentional bag brand from Taiwan, Jump From paper. And the watch is from Casio. I've been wearing this since I bought at Century 21 in NY a year and a half ago. So classic and simple.  I think that wearing warm sweater, a pair of shorts made with thin cloth and white sandals at the same time is something exclusive to ...


On a previous post, I said that I've made pastel blue co-ords for a special event, right? This is it! I made them to wear in NY. I visited egg for brunch and then Brooklyn Bridge in this outfit. 前の記事で、セットアップをスペシャルなイベントのために作ってるって言ってたのはこれのこと! ニューヨークで着るために作ってたのです。これ着てeggでブランチして、そのあとブルックリンブリッジに行ったよ。 What do you guys think? I think they're not bad but I'm not satisfied at all. They have quite a bit of room for improvement so I'm gonna make more clothes and try to do it better.  When I was walking on a street in Greenwich village, a woman talking on a phone stopped talking just to tell me that she loved my outfit and that made me so happy though!:) こんな感じです!自分的には、悪くは無いけどまだ改良の余地はいっぱいあるなあって感じなので、また服作る時はもっと良いのを作ろうと思います♩ でも、Greenwich Villageを歩いてる時に電話中の女の人が電話を止めて「その服いいね!」って言ってくれたのは嬉しかった〜! Oh,and this one! Another woman asked to take a picture of me outside of Lincoln Center where runway shows were being held. It was first time for me to b...


New York Fashion Week This is definitely the one i had been looking forward to the most! Every year i was watching live streams of the shows on my iPhone or on my PC but this year, I was actually there, just a few feet away from the runway,,, yes, I wasn't invited to any show, of course, but just being there and looking at cool people's outfits made me so excited. The place was filled with such people and photographers. Every time celebrities or famous editors showed up, they got together and took pictures desperately. And I was also one of them when Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington showed up. just WOW,,, At Marc Jacobs show in upper east side, the last show of NYFW. A bunch of celebrities there,,, It felt like I was in a REAL GOSSIP GIRL WORLD! That was the most exciting thing I've ever done in NY. Love, Juri. Instagram/Twitter@juriokita


Hi! I came back from my faaaavorite country to this tiny island and I'm gonna restart blogging about what I had there. I'm sure that'll be tons! What I start with is the first breakfast in the states. ハイ〜、2日前に大好きな国からこの小さな島国に帰ってきたので、そろそろまた色々更新し始めます!かなりたくさんの記事になる予感。。最初に載せるのは今回のアメリカで最初に食べた朝食! "egg" 109 N 3rd St between Berry&Wythe Brooklyn NY 11249 『egg』っていうレストラン。 The first time I visited this restaurant and tried their omelet two years and a half ago, i just fell in love with the smoothness and the strong dried tomatoes on the side. Here is the post about that time.  http://ameblo.jp/95hahaha/entry-11202109223.html Since then, I had been dreaming about having their breakfast again. ,,,and finally I made it! 二年半前に初めてこのお店を訪れて、オムレツを食べて、すごく感動したのを覚えています。すごく滑らかできめ細かくて、横のドライトマトを炒めたもの?もめちゃくちゃ濃厚で美味しくて!上のリンクからその時の記事に飛べます。 それから、次はいつeggで朝食を食べれるかなあってずっと楽しみにしてて、今回やっと行けました! The shop was moved from the original place and has become larger...


Ahhhhhhh New York!!! This is the picture I took in the bus going to NYC from New Jersey where I stay. It costs only $7 for round way tickets so I think it's good to stay in NJ (it's much cheaper than in NY) and use the bus to go to NY if you want to save money as much as you can.  ニューヨーーーーーク!!ホテルがニュージャージーにあるのでそこからニューヨークにはバスで移動。往復で$7しかかからないから、節約したいならホテルは安くニュージャージーでとって、ニューヨークへはバスで移動するのも良いかもです。 And subway! They're so New York-ish picture aren't they? It was actually kinda scary to get on a subway alone for the first time ( maybe when I was 17 or something?) but yeah I'm okey now. I've grown!haha  それから地下鉄!かなりニューヨークっぽい写真だと思います♡ 初めてニューヨークの地下鉄に1人で乗った時(たぶん17歳だったかな?)は正直かなり怖かったけど、うん、もう大丈夫!もう乗り継ぎもできるよ!笑 成長しました。 I don't have any guide books or maps so I took these on the wall so that I can check the line on my iPhone. You always have only two options of direction that are uptown or downtown so I think it's so easy to take subw...


到着〜!関空からサンフランシスコまで約9時間、そこからニューアークまで5時間ほどかかって、やっと着きました!!!アメリカ!!! 国際線の飛行機の中ではマレフィセントと、グランド・ブダペスト・ホテルを見ました。 両方とも日本で公開される前から気になってたけど結局見に行けなかったから飛行機で見れてすごいラッキー! マレフィセント、やっぱり良かった〜、さすがディズニーです。 ストーリーも感動して最後には泣くくらいよかったし、オーロラ姫役のエル・ファニングが可愛すぎました。あの笑顔はやばいです。 映像もかなり綺麗だったから、映画館の大きなスクリーンで見たかったな〜! こっちはグランド・ブダペスト・ホテル レトロな雰囲気たっぷりで、どのシーンも可愛らしかったです。ストーリーは全然可愛らしい物じゃなかったけどそこが逆に良かった! 何回か普通に声だして笑ってしまいました(飛行機の中暗くなってみんなが結構寝てるとき) このほかにも気になってた映画がたくさんありました。すごく眠たくて、2本しか見れなかったから帰りの飛行機ではもっと見れたらいいな〜♡ 着色料たっぷりのお菓子たち。アメリカっぽ〜い♡ 飛行機が遅れたせいでこっちに到着したのは夜の0時ぐらいでした。もうレストランとかは閉まってるし、とりあえず食料と水とか調達するためにWal Martへ。 とりあえずの晩ご飯。冷凍食品とサラダとチートス(笑) おいしかったけどね!もちろん!明日からはもうちょっとまともな物食べます。(笑) もう朝の4時!あしたは朝から行動するのでもう寝ます。Good night!:) Instagram/Twitter@juriokita

Me right now.

Hi~~~it's me, Juri! Again:) This is exactly me right now.haha Oversized cardigan and floral sweat pants look like pajamas. So comfy and I love them tho! 今の私そのもの。お気に入りのTOPSHOPのオーバーサイズのカーディガンとUrban Outfittersの花柄スウェットパンツはちょっとパジャマみたいだけど楽ちん〜 Actually I'm having so boring time here for a couple of hours but the biggest event that I've been waiting for a long time is finally just around the corner! Guess where I'm heading to? 二時間ぐらいひまな時間を過ごしてるけどずっと楽しみにしてたビッグイベントはもうすぐそこ!!!また記事にしますね♩ See you and a lot more posts up later:) Juri


Here's what I need to survive this Autumn/Winter. ABRIL from Made in England Collection, Dr.Martens. I really like the idea of tassel loafers meeting mary janes. So cute. I think my life would be completed if I had a pair of these shoes. They're now like half price of original one but still pricey for me.  Two outerwears from H&M Studios A/W 2014 Collection Both the black one and the White one are so simple that they can go with different kinds of clothes while their shapes are quite unique, and that attracts me a lot! I'm wondering if there are any stores that still have this Collection,,,I checked H&M in Osaka but they've already sold them out there. By the way, making GIF is so fun!haha I tried that for the first time today and I put the one I made on this post right away. Another GIF on my Instagram@juriokita Sweet dreams:) Juri


Take a look at what I've done today! Drumroll, please,,, 今日出来上がったものをお披露目! Ta-dahhhh! Pastel blue crop top and matching shorts!(can I call them"co-crds" ? I don't know how to call them normally in English)  じゃんっ♡パステルブルーのセットアップ。英語だと、Co-ordsでいいのかな? I had been making them for like a week! Actually I was getting tired of the work at the last, but thinking about how amazing they were gonna be and me wearing them made me really happy so I just kept making for hours almost everyday!  一週間ぐらいかけて作りました。正直最後の方はもう作業に飽きてきてたけど、出来上がりとか着てる自分を想像したら楽しみすぎて、ほぼ毎日、空いてる時間全部費やせました。笑 I made them for a specific event which I'm so so so excited about.  And I started embroidering on the back of the bottom today even though the event is almost there. I must complete it by the event by any means. need to hurry,,, かーーなり楽しみにしてる、特別なイベントのために作ってたのです。 で、もう時間ないのに刺繍をやり始めちゃったから焦っております。 でも一文字縫っちゃったから後戻りできない!意外と時間かかる!いそがないと〜♩汗 I gonna show yo...