Ahhhhhhh New York!!!
This is the picture I took in the bus going to NYC from New Jersey where I stay. It costs only $7 for round way tickets so I think it's good to stay in NJ (it's much cheaper than in NY) and use the bus to go to NY if you want to save money as much as you can.
And subway! They're so New York-ish picture aren't they? It was actually kinda scary to get on a subway alone for the first time ( maybe when I was 17 or something?) but yeah I'm okey now. I've grown!haha
それから地下鉄!かなりニューヨークっぽい写真だと思います♡ 初めてニューヨークの地下鉄に1人で乗った時(たぶん17歳だったかな?)は正直かなり怖かったけど、うん、もう大丈夫!もう乗り継ぎもできるよ!笑 成長しました。
I don't have any guide books or maps so I took these on the wall so that I can check the line on my iPhone. You always have only two options of direction that are uptown or downtown so I think it's so easy to take subway:)
There're so many pictures I took in NY in this two days and so many things I want to put up on this blog but I don't know where to start...here's my Instagram account(@juriokita). you can check that if you wanna look other pictures i took in the states.
Awww I'm jealous so much�� Have fun the rest of your vacation and take care! looking forward to seeing your photos��
返信削除Thank you so much! I've just come back from the states and I'm gonna restart blogging about that from today. So stay tuned!:)